Mortgage Protection

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Protect Your Family From Stressful Mortgage Payments

In today’s world, we all have financial responsibilities. Taking on a mortgage is one of the biggest responsibilities because it can span multiple decades. And your loved ones are counting on you as the breadwinner to uphold your commitments. Think about this: How will your family pay the mortgage if you can’t?

What Is Mortgage Protection Insurance?

Mortgage Protection Insurance (MPI) is a kind of life insurance meant to protect your family from overwhelming mortgage payments if you’re no longer able to provide. The Insurance Don can help you protect your California home — and your loved ones — with an affordable policy.

Paying Too Much
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Forget About It!

Why You Need MPI

There are many reasons to purchase mortgage protection insurance. Most importantly, it gives you and your family peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing that if you have an unexpected health problem that causes you to become disabled or prevents you from working for a long time — and you can’t make the mortgage payments — you’ll have the right insurance to cover the mortgage, so your loved ones aren’t burdened with debt.

Not making the required payments could lead to your home being foreclosed and your family being forced to find somewhere else to live. Nobody wants this. Consider MPI as a safety net for your family if something happens to you.

Assurance for the What-If

California homeowners can experience lower levels of stress with an MPI policy in place.

Unlike traditional life insurance, there’s no underwriting involved — making MPI more affordable if you’re ill or have a high-risk job. You don’t have to take an exam to get approved. Plus, your family will be able to stay in the home even after you pass away, should that occur.

To summarize:

  • MPI is typically issued on a guaranteed acceptance basis.
  • This can help people who might have health issues and can’t secure other types of life insurance — or would have to pay super high premiums due to their risk.
  • Those who work high-risk jobs but can’t get disability insurance could benefit from mortgage protection.
  • Illness, injury, or death are not things you want to think about. However, when you plan for the worst-case scenario, it can make all the difference for your family. It’s insurance for the what-if.

How it Typically Works

MPI is like other types of life insurance, particularly term life. First, you buy a policy. Second, you pay the standard premiums based on your age, health, and loan amount. If you don’t pass away during the term, your policy expires at the end.

If you pass away during your policy term, the insurance provider pays the balance directly to the mortgage company.

The term lengths are relatively flexible; you can generally choose them in 5 or 10-year intervals. However, the term length may be limited to match your mortgage terms. It may depend on your age, as well.

About MPI Riders

With MPI, you can usually get many of the same riders (add-ons) as you’re able to obtain with a standard term life policy, including a:

  • Return of premium rider 
  • Disability waiver of premium rider

If needed, you may add 15 or 30-year riders to increase the term of the policy.

Have questions? We can give you more information on policy riders.

Let The Insurance Don Help

If you recently closed on a home, you’ll receive tons of mailers (solicitations) for mortgage protection insurance. But you’re better off throwing most of these in the trash.

The Insurance Don is the agent you can trust. With access to the best MPI companies in Southern California, we can present you with options and help you find the best deal for you and your family. We’ll also make sure you fully understand what your policy covers. So don’t wait — call 888-777-2214 today.

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